It’s hard to believe that it’s been so long since I’ve last posted on this thing. I guess I’ve just been busy earning a living, so blogging has more or less fallen by the wayside. By the time, I get back to my place in the evening, I honestly don’t feel like communicating with anyone, let alone the InternetZ.

I don’t really miss blogging, at least not as much as I thought. I didn’t intentionally give it up. I just got bored with it. Plus, stalkers always freak me out, so getting rid of those folks has been a relief and something I’m glad I don’t have to waste time on.

I still journal everyday. I don’t think I’ll ever give that up. I just don’t feel inclined to update random people on my every move and thought. I feel like I’m a little more focused now. Blogging is great for stream of consciousness blurbs, but I feel like it sometimes becomes the equivalent of talking at the wind. I’d rather use my words to talk to people directly. It makes me feel like I have more control by concentrating my efforts on specific people to communicate with. That’s not to say that blogging doesn’t have it’s place. I’m always impressed by people who have the wherewithal to keep it up. Right now, that’s just not me. My inclinations rest elsewhere. For instance, right now as I glance out the window I notice that the rain just ended and the sun has come out. I’d have to be crazy not to want to go outside and enjoy that! So I am.

I might post something later.

Peace out.