
I’ve been there, those times when you feel like the life you’re living is a nightmare. Hell I’ve stayed there, creating this cold and unforgiving wall around me. Trying to keep away the ghosts and demons that crave my head on a silver plate. 

I’ve seen it, looking in the mirror. I watched myself slowly suffocate by my own hands whilst putting up a brave front. Saying things like ‘I can do this on my own, I don’t need anyone.’ Thus, I went numb.

But then I felt it, that hand that magically reached through the wall that sheltered my heart and mind. I was startled, scared, reluctant. Though I felt warm, I felt safe. I felt…something. 

I found it. A family of beings that wrapped their arms around me, embracing me, and constantly showing me that it all can be better. A family that would help me fight the ghosts and demons that plagued my living nightmare. Until only remnants of said nightmare remained, and life became a sweet dream.

I keep them, in my heart and mind at all times. Even when a stray angry entity threatens to disrupt my peace, they’re there to protect me. I am never cold, nor alone. The sun is no longer blocked out by that stupid fucking wall I held onto for so long. Everyday they are a constant reminder, it gets better. It’s always getting better.

I live.

Haven’t heard much from this girl in a while. …Sending positive vibes. Peace.