Call me crazy, but I appreciate females with “ballZz.”

Huh? What? Did I just say that? …Yes. But, let me clarify.

Posting quality online content in a digital age when anyone and everyone can see what you’re doing and then rapid-fire criticize the heck out out of you, heckle you, and tear you down just for expressing yourself can be incredibly draining. To make it worse, trolls can act jerky safely (and cowardly) from behind the veil of their computer. No accountability. Nothing to risk. Nothing positive to contribute. Nothing constructive to offer either. Oy! The injustice! 🙂 … It’s such a shame too because I still believe that everyone has something useful and valuable to potentially contribute to the world. It’s all a matter of perspective.

Soooo…that’s why I have to give props to anyone with the fortitude to communicate, entertain, and express something positive in a world even at the risk of “being real.”

Fear not. Keep blogging.

“Either do, or do not. There is no try.” ~ Yoda 🙂

Thus, sharing some vids today.

~The Diary of Daniel

PS – This is pretty awesome too. Check it.