So here’s my new read for the week.

Yes, I know it’s about 3 am and I have to get up in a few hours to go to work. But as per usual, my Daniel-ness wouldn’t allow me to sleep. Nope, not even a wink.

So I decided to pick my cool new read for the week while fumbling around for a spoon to make myself a PB&J sandwich in the dark. (I do that because the light hurts my eyes this late at night.) As luck would have it, I suddenly realized that I had bought a book at the Half Price Bookstore while I was back home in KC visiting familia last weekend. Furthermore, I just happened to place that new-used book on the edge of one of my bookcases where I always tend to meander when I can’t sleep. There you have it – my ultra sophisticated genius amazing methodology for choosing my new book to read each week.

And that book is….wait for it.

“Tribes” by Seth Godin. 

Have you read it? Let me know.

By the way, if you get a chance, take a moment to visit Godin’s website. I actually thought I was seeing things in my sleep-deprived state when I noticed that he still uses Typepad to blog. What the heck?! Pretty interesting. Odd, but still cool in a quirky sort of way. Actually, now I don’t feel so bad about never having switched to WordPress during the craze.

Keep it simple. …And go to bed! It’s three past midnight already. Or, as my Dad would say, “You’re killing me!” when I would accidentally wake him up as I tiptoed around the house during one of my characteristic childhood bouts of insomnia. Pops was so dramatic. But seriously folks, I’ll see you in slumber-land. Then I’ll share my thoughts on “Tribes” as the week progresses.


Daniel 🙂