The Raven’s Haven: “We’re going to do for Negroes exactly what Negroes did for the…
The Raven’s Haven: “We’re going to do for Negroes exactly what Negroes did for the…
“We’re going to do for Negroes exactly what Negroes did for the revolution. By which I mean: nothing.”
“The Negro is indolent and a lazy; spending his meager wage on frivolity or drink; the European has a tradition of work and saving, which has pursued him as far as this corner of America and…
That excerpt you quoted is completely taken out of context.
Those quotes (about ‘indolent blacks’ etc.) were written by Che when he was 24 and encountered blacks for the first time in a Venezuelan slum during his Motorcycle trip around South America. However, months later he announced himself a transformed man and even denounced the racism he encountered while living in Miami for a month. Those quotes were from 1952, before he was Che.
• Years later in Cuba he showed he was not racist through his actions ~
• Che pushed for racially integrating the schools in Cuba, years before they were racially integrated in the Southern United States.
• Che’s friend and personal bodyguard was Harry ‘Pombo’ Villegas, who was Afro-Cuban (black). Pombo accompanied Che to the Congo and to Bolivia, where he survived and now lives in Cuba. Of note, Pombo speaks glowingly of Guevara to this day
• When Che spoke before the U.N. in 1964 he spoke out in favor of black musician Paul Robeson, in support of slain black leader Patrice Lumumba (who he heralded as one of his heroes), against white segregation in the Southern U.S. (which still unfortunately existed), and against the white South African apartheid regime (long before it became the Western ‘cause de jour’).
• Che was also heralded by Malcolm X during this trip to NY and in contact with his associates to whom he sent a letter, and later on behalf of his actions in Africa – praised by Nelson Mandela and the Black Panther’s Stokely Carmichael.Hope this helps.
It always annoys me when I see someone take history out of context, and then refashion or manipulate it. That’s why I had to reblog “The Raven’s Haven” and annotate some corrections. Again, hope this helps.