Consistency in the blogosphere is like gold as far as I’m concerned. I have respect for anyone who can produce verbiage on a daily basis especially when presented with the likely possibility that no one’s probably listening. Beyond that, I’n amazed by anyone who can post videos on a regular basis too. I like making vids but waiting for files to upload feels like pure agony.

It’s literally been months since I’ve posted anything on here. However, if you’ll look towards the very bottom of this page you’ll see that I tweet pretty regularly. I think mobile bloggity technology is where it’s at. Clearly, I’m still rambling/tweeting even when I’m crazy-busy and barely have time to eat a healthy meal. But to sit down and type out a blog post or a vlog upload just doesn’t occur high up on my to-do list at the end of the (busy) day.

So what’s a guy to do about finding balance in this fun-loving online universe?

Answer: Follow your heart.

Blogosphere, I was dropped in a pool of sexy at birth and now I’m back to love you down. ….Okay, whatever, you know what I mean. It’s time to share the love again.

Talk to you soon. Peace. 🙂
