I’m so tired of uneducated bigots casually saying that the Maya “predicted” the “end-of-the-world.” Here’s a newsflash (which sadly shouldn’t be news since it concerns history): Nothing in the historical record has ever indicated that the Maya “predicted” a 12-21-2012 doomsday. Does anyone bother reading books anymore? When did that go out of style?

You’d think that the Internet would’ve made people smarter by 2012. Apparently the combined exploitative dipshit forces of the opportunistic and the boldly ignorant have dominated the airwaves to dumb people down. Are people really so intellectually lazy that they can’t perform a 2-second wiki search to figure out that the Maya calendar is being grossly misinterpreted?

Here are some more fun facts: The Maya are not “extinct,” and they’re not called “Mayans.” The Maya speak MAYAN LANGUAGES, and in 1996 the government of Guatemala formally recognized 21 different Mayan languages while Mexico recognized 8 more that happen to be spoken by at least 6 million indigenous people in the Yucatan. Lastly, the Aztec Sun Stone is not the Maya calendar.

On that note, Daniel says – Be cool. Go to school. Reading is sexy, and please don’t be another arch-type overly-confident yet predictably stupid American bigot.