Reorganizing The Bloggity
I think it’s important that I take a moment to reorganize this blog. I need a place to collect notes. To be sure, I haven’t forgotten about this blog, I just haven’t felt very organized lately. So I haven’t felt inclined to post on it much. Don’t get me wrong, Dear Reader. I really appreciate that you’re tuning in, but I need this blog to be for me first.
Sometimes I find myself feeling scattered and wandering the earth like a human experiencing the timeless human condition of constantly asking ‘why’, ‘what for’, and ‘how’, as well as a series of other questions that typically cause me to wonder if life is a constant quest to find purpose and meaning amid the seemingly random chaos. We humans like order, or at least the illusion of such.
So as I reorganize this blog, please be patient. I’m going to be posting a lot of new material, as well as a lot of old material, right along with real life humans typos, as I aim to transform this website into an extension of my real diary, that crazy stack of notebooks that always seems to grow too rapidly and periodically call out to me to simplify, sort, and save.