ocdbloggityIn today’s tech driven world, it seems that everyone has a blog. It’s not even considered taboo anymore. Remember what “dooced” meant? Well, that was over a decade ago! It seems ridiculous to think of now, but I remember when employers needlessly frowned on employees for blogging. Jeez, get over it. It was as if companies were literally afraid of sharing public information, which is now considered by most to be just blatantly unethical. Today, with just a few clicks, you can probably find the personal blog of just about every CEO of every major tech firm in the country. Now you’re considered a misfit if you DON’T have a blog.Yet still, there are many factors to consider when you start running a blog. If you’re fine simply typing away in the inner-space abyss, then carry on. However, if you’re actually interested in sharing a bit about yourself with the world, there are a few things you might consider to help foster your long-term success.

First, for your blog to be successful, ensure that search engine optimization is utilized. There are a number of great out-of-the-box blogging platforms that come SEO-ready. However, always remember that SEO is constantly changing. As an individual, you have the capacity to dominate the learning curve by mastering virtually any skill much faster than any company can respond to the changing climate of SEO. So if you choose an out-of-the-box SEO optimized blogging platform, you may quickly outgrow its usefulness if you decide that blogging is for you. Remember that there’s a tech side to SEO, but more importantly there’s a content-based human side of SEO as well. Since your ultimate goal is to have people read your blog, you’ll want to make sure that your content piques people’s interest, is sharable, and that it capitalizes on keyword optimization so that your site appears in the search results for specific topics. Choose keywords relevant to your niche, and use them throughout blog posts and titles to boost readership.

Next, please, please, please do not ever just copy content from the InterWebZz. Yes, we’re all human, and we first learn by mimicking as well as sharing whatever resonates with us, but there is a huge difference between merely sharing something influential versus outright word-for-word plagiarizing something. The later is simply dishonest, and it is the surest way to ruin your reputation and destroy any chance you have of creating a popular or even credible blog. Finding success in the blogosphere does not require you to write like a pro. This is blogging. You don’t have to be a mad scientist. You just have to be human and share a bit about yourself with the world. More than anything, you have to express your passion for whatever your blogging about. Forget your typos. That’s minutia. Grammar is important, but grammar Nazis are dead weight. Share you! Be you! Create your masterpiece, and let the critics waste their lives on the little things.


If your serious about blogging from the heart, I would also consider buying a domain name instead of putting your blog on a free site. The cost is minimal and it will really help communicate to your audience that you’re a professional or at least certainly someone who cares enough to invest a few dollars in their passion. There’s nothing wrong with using free sites, but if you’re interested in branding the a unique URL is considered a best practice. Doing this will also make your URL vastly more practical for visitors to remember. This is especially true if you can get a URL that exactly matches the name of your e-commerce biz. That may not always be the case, but if you’re starting a business you want to be a pro all the way.

Don’t be afraid to elicit some form of audience interaction. Keep this in mind from the outset of establishing your website. By allowing for a little give and take early on, you’ll be able to create a relationship with your guests that builds over time. This is useful not just in business, but just in terms of being a fully functional, happy and healthy, well-adjusted adult. You have to engage, share, and really communicate with your audience. If you’re insincere, visitors will sense it. Plus, you never know when a quality long term relationship might come in handy someday. Bloggers are a passionate community. There also incredibly helpful. Ever heard of crowdsourcing? Good, now we’re on the same page. Just be sure to be good to them and they’ll be good to you.

Speaking of which, choose a topic to blog about that really excites you. Passion is infectious. Think of blogging as a chance to relive those sweet days of pre-school all over again. Remember how easy it was to make friends. If you so much as liked jumping up and down, chances are that if you started jumping up and down in the middle of the playground, you’d have a new best friend in about 10 seconds be what you were doing just looked fun. Love your topic, share your info, and people will appreciate you just for you liking what you do. Of course, at first you may just want to start aimlessly blogging. As you go along, you’ll eventually start to figure out that you harbor a particular interest or passion is some specific field. You can always make adjustments along the way, but if you have something that excites you at the outset, just try it, blog about, express all you can, and gradually drill down into your target niche. Doing this will easily make your content more engaging to your readers, and you’ll learn a ton as you go along.


Lastly, perform routine upkeep on your blog. This is more of an ongoing process than a single straight-forward task. No one knows for certain what the future may bring. That’s certainly true of the internet. Just be sure to complete regular maintenance tasks fairly often. This may include repairing broken links and coding errors or just changing items within the layout to keep it fresh and interesting. Plus, doing this will go a long way in preventing boredom from setting in both for your readers and for yourself. Whatever you do, keep it interesting; otherwise, what’s the point?

So to summarize, I mainly just want to remind you that although blogging may look easy, it’s a learning process just like anything else. However, the major advantage is that you can make of it whatever your want. You can truly let your life’s passion, or hopefully many passions, lead the way. If you’re a living, breathing, thinking human being, then you most likely have an opinion about something. Share it! I guarantee there’s an audience out there just waiting to be discovered and eager to listen to almost whatever you have to say. Just remember that you’ll progress much faster if you set goals, plan ahead, and never stop trying new things. Consider the advice from this article as just a basic starting point for making a blog that will bring you lifelong success and a personal outlet for you to really share and grow as a person.

As always, I hope you found this blog post useful and encouraging. Please let me if there’s anything in particular that you’d like to hear more about. Also, please consider signing up for my regular newsletter. Feel free to either visit my ‘About Me’ page for your choice of signing up for a daily, weekly, or monthly subscription. Or check out the sidebar for my ongoing real life motivational stories. I love connecting with readers. That’s what blogging is all about. Thanks a bunch for stopping by.

Talk to you soon. More to come.


Daniel 🙂

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